Conversation details
Conversation details
Detailed information is shown for each recorded conversation on the call details screen.
To access detailed conversation information data, select the conversation record by clicking on the appropriate row with the left mouse button (the background color of the row changes when the cursor is moved over the record).After selecting a conversation record, the Conversation Details page appears, containing all available information about the recorded conversation.
The following functions are available on the conversation detail page:
Plays back the conversation. The status of the play icon varies depending on the status of the conversation, or it can be completely missing if the user has no playback right. For further information, see the Playing back recorded conversations section. | |
Downloads the media file. This icon is only displayed if the user has the download right and playback is enabled. | |
Sends an e-mail containing a URL, which points directly to the conversation detail page of the selected conversation. This icon is only displayed if the user has the e-mail right and the conversation has a media file. | |
Silent monitors the call. The full user right has to be set to access this functionality. | |
Deletes the conversation. The full user right has to be set to access this functionality. | |
Gets the URL pointing to this conversation. The URL is automatically copied to the clipboard of the client. |
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