Searching conversations

Searching conversations

The conversation search page can be accessed through the Search menu.

This page allows the user to enter the search criteria to find recorded conversations. The search criteria attributes are divided into groups, and placed on three separate vertical tabs to make search criteria definition easier:

  • Basic Search Options tab includes the most commonly used search fields.
  • Advanced Search Options tab includes the remaining technical attributes that allow more sophisticated search criteria to be defined and used.
  • Metadata and Markers tab allows the user to narrow the search using the business data associated with the conversation records (stored in custom metadata fields and markers).
  • Speech Search (if applicable) allows the user to search for phrases in the recorded audio conversation. For more information see Using Speech Search.
  • Instant messaging allows the user to search in the text recorded from instant message conversations. Any combination of the following fields can be used:
    • All of the listed phrases
    • Any of the listed phrases
    • None of the listed phrases

The user can navigate between these tabs until all of the search criteria have been specified, and then initiate the search by pressing the Search button below the tabs. The search is executed based on the combined set of search field values on all tabs.

Resetting the search fields

After setting the search criteria, the system stores the field values, so whenever the user loads the search page the previous settings are restored and displayed. To reset the fields, click on the Reset Search Fields (back arrow) link in the top right corner of the search panel.

Time zones in search results

In Advanced Search Options, users can temporarily change the timezone of the current search. All time information will be presented in the selected time zone in the search results, when you Reset the Search fields

Advanced Search Options

All search fields support adding multiple query/filtering parameters. Follow the steps below to add one or more filters to the desired search field:

Step 1 Click on the Add Criteria icon and select the desired field from the drop-down menu.

Step 2 Choose the operation from the drop-down menu

Step 3 Set the criteria on the right side of the panel.

Step 4 Optionally users can remove previously added criteria by clicking on the Delete Criteria icon on the left side of the panel.

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