Webex Meetings

Webex Meetings

Cisco Webex is an app-centric, cloud-based service that provides a complete collaboration suite for teams to create, meet, message, call, care, white board, and share, regardless of whether they are together or apart—in one continuous workstream before, during, and after meetings. It is built to help teams work seamlessly. It is simple, secure, complete, and open, and provides a space for people to work better. The core capabilities of Cisco Webex are Meetings, Messaging, and Calling. The Cisco Webex platform, app-centric design, hybrid services, and architecture of Cisco Webex create a unique and differentiated service. For more information on the solution, refer to Cisco Webex.

Cisco Webex Meetings provides a Messaging API that VFC is able to use to retrieve content from Webex Rooms. The Webex Import Source uses the Webex Messaging API to list and download available recordings, query and add participants before ingestion. Separate recordings are created for each recorded Webex user. Each recording contains details of all meeting participants. Once triggered, Webex content is ingested indefinitely in near real-time with an unlimited number of retry attempts if the media is unavailable for any reason. If the integration is restarted or the first recording start time reset, no duplicate content is created within VFC.

There are certain pre-requisite steps that must be performed within Cisco Webex Portal to ensure that Meetings are recorded and available for VFC to download:


  • Automatic Recording - As a site administrator, you can enable automatic recordings for your whole Webex site. With this feature enabled, when any of your users host a meeting or event, Webex automatically begins recording. See https://help.webex.com/en-us/article/nghqgucb/Enable-Automatic-Recording-of-All-Meetings-on-Your-Webex-Site
  • Limitation - If Automatic Recording is not enabled, then by default Webex only automatically records participation if the regulated user (configured for recording) hosts the meeting. When a user attends a meeting as a participant, then they are not automatically recorded. If this user joins as a participant, they are required to ask the meeting host to make them a co-host or presenter. The meeting host can also assign multiple participants as co-hosts for the meeting. Once the user is made a co-host or presenter, they have the recording options available.

Recording is supported for the following modalities only:

  • MP4 Video (includes audio only content and video)
  • Audio only (all video converted to audio only)

For a general description of Verba Import sources, refer to Import sources.

1. Prerequisites

  • Two components, a Cisco Webex integration application and a VFC Import Source are required.
  • Firewall access must be arranged as two-way internet communication is required between the Import Source and Webex.
    • Incoming authentication arrives from Webex to the Webex Integration redirect URI. The URL and port number are fully configurable and are encrypted using TLS over HTTP. The port number cannot be 443 as this is already used by the VFC Web Application.
    • Outgoing API calls to Webex for content and user queries is on Port 443 and through https://webexapis.com/v1
    • Outgoing calls to retrieve media are on Port 443 and typically through https://<company name>.webex.com/ <company name>. Webex detemines this URI.
    • If used, Compliance Site URL must also be granted firewall access, including the port number.
  • VFC video or audio recording license. If audio-only recording is used (Transcode Video to Audio is set), it is mandatory to install Windows Media Foundation (Windows Server 2012 or newer) on the server where the Webex Import Source runs.

2. Create a Cisco Webex Integration

To create a Webex integration, a Webex account backed by Cisco Webex Common Identity (CI) is required. If no Webex account is available, sign up. If you are using Webex Meetings, your site must be on Common Identity. Typically, the user creating the API Integration needs to be the Compliance Officer on Webex. Go to https://developer.webex.com/my-apps and press the Create a new app button. Then press the Create an integration button to create an OAuth Integration.

Configuration Item


Mobile SDK
(Webex iOS or Android SDK 3.0+)
Integration NameName of your integration as shown in Webex.VFC WebEx Meetings Ingestion
IconUpload your own or select from our defaults. Must be exactly 512x512px in JPEG or PNG format.Use VFC Logo provided.
App Hub Description

The description of the app as shown on the App Hub. The description is limited to 1024 characters.

For the description, consider including information about:

  • what the app does,
  • how the app benefits users,
  • how users can get started with the app,
  • if the app requires a non-Webex account,
  • if the app is not free or has extra features for paid users,
  • if the app is not free, link to the pricing information.

VFC WebEx Meetings Ingestion. 

Note: the application can not be shared on the app hub currently.

Redirect URI(s)

One or more URIs that a user is redirected to when completing an OAuth grant flow.

http(s)://<VFC Hostname>:<VFC Port>/Webex/RedirectURI/OAuth

VFC Hostname is the name of the VFC server

VFC Port is the port opened in the customer firewall for Webex access.

Make a note of this value as it is also required when configuring the VFC Webex import source.

The port number cannot be 443 as this port number is already used by the VFC Web Application.


Scopes define the level of access that your integration requires.

Select the following 3 scopes:

    • meeting:recordings_read
    • meeting:recordings_write
    • meeting:participants_read

Once all the integration values have been entered, press the Add Integration button. Make a note of the two important values shown, Client Id and Client Secret. They are required during the next step, configuration of the VFC Webex Import Source.

3. Create a WebEx Import Source

Follow the steps in VFC to create a new Import source. All settings are mandatory, except the TLS configuration settings.

Step 1 - Open the VFC Web interface then select Data > Import Sources from the top menu

Step 2 - Select Add New Import Source.

Step 3 - Complete the configuration according to the requirements in the following table

NOTE: Ingestion of Webex content is always behind real-time. The closest the ingestion can get to real-time is: Webex Recording Start Timestamp + (Webex Maximum Recording Length * 2) + Webex Availability Delay.

Configuration Item


NameMandatory. Name your Import Source. This name identifies the source across the system.Recommended to include the import source type and purpose.
TypeMandatory. Import Source typeSelect WebEx (not Cisco Spark) from the Import Type drop-down
Webex Integration Client Id

Mandatory. Client Id value obtained during previous step of Webex creation integration. Used during OAuth authentication.





Webex Integration Client Secret

Mandatory. Client Secret value obtained during previous step of Webex creation integration. Used during OAuth authentication.



Webex Integration Redirect URI

Mandatory. URI called by Webex during authentication process. Same value used during configuration of the Webex integration.

http(s)://<VFC Hostname>:<VFC Port>/Webex/RedirectURI/OAuth

VFC Hostname is the name of the VFC server

VFC Port is the port opened in the customer firewall for Webex access.

The port number cannot be 443 as this port number is already used by the VFC Web Application.

Must be the same value used to configure the Webex Integration Redirect URI. Note case sensitivity and port restrictions.

Forward Proxy AddressOptional. IP address or FQDN of the forward proxy. When defined, the system connects through a forward proxy.
Forward Proxy PortOptional. The port of the forward proxy.
Forward Proxy UsernameOptional. User name for basic authentication for the forward proxy server.
Forward Proxy PasswordOptional. Password for basic authentication for the forward proxy server.
Compliance Site URL

Optional. The Webex site of the Compliance Officer from which to retrieve recordings. If not specified, the default site of the user is used.

Example: <company name>.webex.com or usually, leave blank.
TLS Certificate File or ThumbprintOptional. Certificate file / certificate thumbprint used for the Webex connection.

The default VFC CA Certificate can be used for HTTPS/TLS communications between Webex and the VFC Import Source by setting HTTPS in the Redirect URI and leaving all of these TLS settings empty:

TLS Certificate File or Thumbprint
TLS Key File
TLS Key Password
TLS Trust List

TLS Key File

Optional. File system location where the certificate key is stored.

TLS Key Password

Specify the password for the file that contains the certificate keys.

TLS Trust List

Certificate chain (or Chain of Trust) is made up of a list of certificates that start from a server's certificate and terminate with the root certificate. If the certificate of your server is to be trusted, its signature has to be traceable back to its root CA.

Transcode Video to AudioOptional.  Store audio-only version of recording.Select required audio codec.
Recording TimezoneMandatory.  VFC Server timezone.Example:
GMT +09:00 - Japan
Webex Recording Start Timestamp

Mandatory. Time stamp of the earliest WebEx content to be ingested. This value can be a time stamp in the past, for example, 2020, if historic Webex content is required to be ingested.

The Import Source gradually catches up with real-time as it is run by successive Data Management Policies, but it takes longer to catch up depending on the number of historic recordings, the Maximum Recording Length, and Availability Delay. In the case of mass historical ingest, it is recommended to set the Maximum Recording Length to a large number, for example, 999 and reduce the Availability Delay to a small number, for example, 10 minutes. Once the ingestion has caught up, adjust each of these parameters to their correct operational values.


2023.01.29 07:00:00

Webex Maximum Recording Length (minutes)

Mandatory. Maximum length of Webex content to be ingested. Content exceeding the maximum length may not be ingested or an alert generated.

Example: 60

Webex Availability Delay (minutes)

Mandatory. Maximum time the import source waits for a Webex meeting to become available for ingestion. If the meeting is not available after this time, it may not be ingested or an alert generated.

Example: 30
On Completion Delete Recordings Stored in Webex

Optional. Allows VFC to become the single repository for Webex content.

The recording deleted from Webex cannot be recovered, so this setting must be set with great care.

If a Compliance Officer deletes the recording of another user, the recording becomes inaccessible to regular users (host, attendees, and shared), but remains available to the Compliance Officer.

Only recordings of meetings hosted by the authenticated user can be deleted.

Tick to delete recordings from Webex immediately after VFC ingestion or leave unticked to have recordings both in Webex and in VFC.
Authentication Keep-Alive (minutes)

Mandatory. Webex Authentication cannot be completed unless the VFC Import Source is running because it depends on an OAuth HTTP(S) callback from Webex to the Import Source. Due to this behavior, the VFC Import Source must be saved and an Active Data Management Policy created. The callback provides VFC with an Access Token that Webex content ingestion depends upon.

The Authentication Keep-Alive setting is a temporary configuration value which ensures the installation engineer has enough time to press the Authenticate Now button and authenticate with Webex before the VFC Import Source terminates inline with the VFC Data Management Policy.

Once the Webex authentication obtains the token, the Authentication Keep-Alive must be reduced to zero and the Import Service restarted.

The Access Token is securely encrypted and automatically updated during production.


99 - During initial installation

2 - If a periodic check of the VFC Webex Token/Authentication status webpage is required during production.

0 - During typical operation to avoid delay in completing processing of the Import Source. The value can be updated at any time if an ad hoc check is required.


Mandatory. Do not press this button until an active Data Management Policy has been created.

Until the VFC Import Source has been saved with settings for all of the above values and an active Data Management Policy created, this button does not authenticate the VFC Import Source with Webex, and content is not ingested.

Once Authenticate Now is pressed, it should not be used again, only if the integration was not active for a long time, and the Webex Access Token expired.


4. Create an active Data Management Policy

Follow the steps below to configure the Data Import action. Note, the policy must be active before proceeding to authenticate the VFC Import Source with Webex.

Step 1 - In the Verba web interface, go to Data > Data Management Policies.

Step 2 - Select Add New Data Management Policy.

Step 3 - For the action, select Data Import.

Step 4 - Under Available Import Sources, select the Import Source that you created, then select Add below the text field.

Step 5 - Configure the policy details, based on the information that is shown in the configuration items summary table below.

Step 6 - Set up how frequently the Import runs in the Scheduling section.

Step 7 - Click Save.

Configuration Parameter Name


Enable Recording Rules

Specifies if all data should be processed in the imported data set or just the records of the recorded users as configured in VFC.

Execute Only on Selected Servers

If enabled, a specific server can be chosen that runs this policy.

5. Authenticate the VFC Webex Import Source with Webex


Once all previous steps have been completed, press this button. A dialog box appears which allows the Compliance Officer to authenticate the Import Source using Webex login. Once authenticated, an encrypted token is stored on the VFC Import Server. The token is automatically renewed when required by the VFC Webex Import Source. After authentication, token status information is displayed as shown below. Token status information can also be checked by entering the first part of the Redirect URI:

http(s)://<VFC Hostname>:<VFC Port>

VFC Hostname is the name of the VFC server

VFC Port is the port opened in the customer firewall for Webex

Once Webex has Authenticated (step below), reduce Authentication Keep-Alive (minutes) to the required value and restart the Import Service.

6. Validate Webex Authentication

OAuth token status information can be displayed by entering the first part of the Redirect URI in a web browser.

http(s)://<VFC Hostname>:<VFC Port>

VFC Hostname is the name of the VFC server

VFC Port is the port opened in the customer firewall for Webex access.

7. Configure Users in VFC

Follow the steps below to configure users in VFC:

Step 1 - In the VFC web interface, go to Users > Users.

Step 2 - Click Add new User.

Step 3 - Enter the email address of the user is in lowercase and set the value to the same email address that the user joins Webex with.

Step 4 - Add user information, making sure the validity of the user extends to cover the range of their Webex recordings.

Step 5 - Click Save.

8. Configure Extensions in VFC

Follow the steps below to configure extensions in VFC:

Step 1 - In the VFC web interface, go to Users > Extensions.

Step 2 - Click Add new Extension.

Step 3 - Set the extension in lowercase to the same email address that the user joins WebEx with.

Step 4 - Set the Type to User/Agent Id.

Step 5 - Set the Recording Settings to Voice and Video.

Step 6 - Click Save.

9. Resilience

If Webex content failed to ingest, resilience is provided by the retry buffer. This buffer contains VFC CDR files in XML format that failed to be ingested and must be retried. The Webex import source automatically adds a batch of up to 25 of these files to the current ingestion each time it runs. Once added, the XML file is removed from the retry buffer, but is automatically readded if the ingestion fails again. If the CDR is successfully ingested, it appears in the ingestion status report alongside the other content. Files can be manually added or removed to the retry buffer if required for troubleshooting purposes. Retry buffer capability also enables the import source to track real-time, as it enables historic failures to be retried.

Alternatively, if the VFCImport Service is required to be stopped for reasons of troubleshooting or maintenance, the manual procedure below must be used:

Step 1 - In the VFC web interface, disable the Data Management Policy associated with the Webex Import Source.
Step 2 - Open Windows Explorer and go to Program Files\Verba\work\cdrimport\webex\laststate\policyId_importSourceId
Step 3 - Open the policyId_importSourceId.cursor file in a text editor program. The file contains one line and looks similar to the following example:
c84f2f698fc9d64d64ed161d87b00c25_I_251182078220051266_19d0243a-9fd0-11d1-ac11-13453884b96c;2023.02.02 07:00:00.000
Step 4 - Set the timestamp to a date and time before the failure ensuring this time stamp plus the import batch duration and the recording lag is less than the current time stamp and then save the file.
Step 5 - Re-enable the Data Management Policy associated with the Webex Import Source

10. Folders used by Webex Import Source

Folder LocationPurpose
Program Files\Verba\work\cdrimport\webex\work\policyId_importSourceIdEncrypted Token storage, temporary Webex content download.
Program Files\Verba\work\cdrimport\webex\laststate\policyId_importSourceIdCursor file containing current import status so that import source can be stopped and restarted from previous Webex Recording Start Timestamp value. The cursor file also contains the meeting identifier of the last ingested Webex content for monitoring and troubleshooting purposes.
Program Files\Verba\work\cdrimport\webex\retryBuffer\policyId_importSourceIdContains VFC CDR files in XML format that failed to be ingested and must be retried. The Webex import source automatically adds a batch of up to 25 of these files to the current ingestion each time it runs. Once added, the XML file is removed from the retry buffer, but is automatically readded if the ingestion fails again. If the CDR is successfully ingested, it appears in the ingestion status report alongside the other content. Files can be manually added or removed to the retry buffer if required for troubleshooting purposes. Retry buffer capability also enables the import source to track real-time as it enables historic failures to be retried.

11. Types of alerts raised by the Webex Import Source

Alert MessageExplanation/Resolution
Could not parse configuration of import sourceCheck import source configuration and restart import service if updated.
Conversation failed to importCheck network/firewall access and integration permissions/scopes within Webex.
Problem retrieving contentCheck network/firewall access and integration permissions/scopes within Webex.
Failed to delete content from WebexCheck network/firewall access and integration permissions/scopes within Webex.
Could not obtain timezone offsetsCheck database connectivity.
Missing media runtimeMedia Foundation (Windows Server 2012 or newer) is missing from the server where the Import Source is running. Install and restart the Import Service.
Failed to get authorization tokenCheck network/firewall access and integration permissions/scopes within Webex.
Failed to list recordings

Check network/firewall access, integration permissions/scopes within Webex and that Webex content exists.

Failed to list participantsCheck network/firewall access, integration permissions/scopes within Webex and that Webex participants exist.
Failed to obtain recording detailsCheck network/firewall access, integration permissions/scopes within Webex and that Webex content exists.

12. Webex Content Ingestion Status Reporting

The Webex Import Source does not generate report files, but at the end of each batch, a notification alert is raised containing details of Webex content ingested into VFC.

Example alert shown below. Note that due to the overlap approach used in the sliding window mechanism, mention of conversations already imported is as expected.

If no recordings are found in Webex for the time period of the Webex batch sliding window, an alert is generated. This alert does not indicate an error, only that Webex has no content for the time period specified.

13. Webex Metadata

Metadata FieldDescriptionTemplateAvailable

Start Date

Start date of the conversationStandardYes
Start TimeStart time of the conversationStandardYes
End DateEnd date of the conversationStandardYes
End TimeEnd time of the conversationStandardYes
DurationLength of the conversationStandardYes
UserName of the recorded userStandardYes
From InfoUser / contact nameStandardYes
Conference ParticipantsParticipant details, join and leave time stampStandardYes
Native IdUnique VFC conversation identifierStandardYes
Technical IdUnique Webex Meeting Id conversation identifierStandardYes
Source PlatformWebExStandardYes
Conversation TypeVideo or AudioStandardYes

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