Setting up a Verba demo environment

Using an OVA template

Please contact Verba Support regarding the OVA template.

Installing Verba and importing demo data into your environment.

To install a Verba demo environment and import the demo data, please follow the instructions below.

The demo scripts can only be run with fresh Verba installs. Do not change anything in the web application before you run the demo scripts.

Step 1 - Install the Verba system. The demo scripts have been verified to work with 8.4 releases. Use the default name for the database (verba).

Step 2 - Download the demo media and scripts. Please contact Verba Support to request the items.

Step 3 - Unzip the media package directly under DRIVE:\verba_install_path\media exactly as they are in the zip file.

Step 4 - Connect to the Verba database using SQL Management Studio and run the SQL scripts in the order shown in the filenames. "1_..." should be run first, "2_..." should be run second, and so on.

If there is an error with one of the scripts, do not continue executing the other scripts. Repair the problem at hand, only then continue.

Step 5 - Request an NFR license from your Verba sales representative.

The complete demo environment contains

  • Voice, IM, Video, Desktop Screen conversations
  • User-Group assignment
  • Data Retention Policies, with Storage Targets
  • Labels, Legal Hold and Automatic Labeling
  • Active Directory Profiles
  • Speech Search
  • Communication Policies and Content Policies