


BT ITS recording features

  • Certified BT ITS recording solution
  • IPSI based recording, no TDM support
  • 2N and N+1 recorder configurations
  • 2N CTI resiliency deployment option
  • Compatible with trader voice recording data model (only)
  • Support for VAD (voice activity detection) and media segmentation for long calls
  • All types of recording mix layouts are supported
  • Support for TMS file and/or LDAP based configuration read

Version support

BT ITS Switch Name & Model

p31, p41, p51, p107

Supported BT ITS Switch Versions

18.5.5, 19.6.1, 19.8.1

Supported Turret Types

Netrix, Netrix R, Netrix Touchscreen

IPSI Version

ITS Link Version

If you are on a different version, contact your BT representative for more information.

Features not available

  • Supports trader voice data model only
  • Silent monitoring only available for Media-Only records
  • No selective recording, extension / recording rule configuration is not applied, the system records everything that is configured on the BT ITS switch side
  • Full / Always-on recording mode only (no On-demand, no Controlled, no Do-not-record, no Never-record)
  • Desktop Screen Capture is not available
  • No support for turret playback


The system can be deployed in various configurations to achieve resiliency. For more information, see BT ITS recorder resiliency.


For configuring the Verba system for BT ITS recording, see Configuring BT ITS recording. For BT ITS related configuration, contact your BT representative.

BT ITS metadata

The system captures the following metadata specific to BT ITS calls when CTI messages are available. These fields are available through the standard and the BT ITS specific custom metadata template.

Metadata FieldDescriptionTemplateAvailableAvailable in
CDR-Only record
Available in
Media-Only record
Start DateStart date of the conversationStandardYesYesYes
Start TimeStart time on the conversationStandardYesYesYes
End DateEnd date of the conversationStandardYesYesYes
End TimeEnd time of the conversationStandardYesYesYes
DurationLength of the conversationStandardYesYesYes
UserName of the recorded userStandardYesYesYes when CTI is available
FromDDI Number, Line Number, Trader ID depending on the call scenarioStandardYesYesNo
From InfoDDI Label, Line Label, Trader Name depending on the call scenarioStandardYesYesNo
ToDDI Number, Line Number, Trader ID depending on the call scenarioStandardYesYesNo
To InfoDDI Label, Line Label, Trader Name depending on the call scenarioStandardYesYesNo
DirectionDirection of the call from the system perspective, requires configuring internal number/domain patternsStandardYesYesNo
Direction (User)Direction of the call from the recorded user perspectiveStandardYesYesNo
From (Verba)Name of the Verba user associated with the calling partyStandardYesYesYes when CTI is available
To (Verba)Name of the Verba user associated with the called partyStandardYesYesYes when CTI is available
LocationHostname of the recording serverStandardYesYesYes
End CauseNormal, Hold, Device ChangeStandardYesYesNo
Audio CodecAudio codec of the recorded streamsStandardYesNoYes
Video codecVideo codec of the recorded streamsStandardNoNoNo
Platform Call IDUnique conversation identifier received from the recorded platformStandardYesYesYes
Silence RatioRatio of silence in the conversationStandardNoNoNo
Talkover RatioTalkover ratio of the conversationStandardNoNoNo
Longest SilenceLength of the longest silence present in the conversationStandardNoNoNo
User ID / Agent IDTrader IDStandardYesYesYes
From DeviceRecorded console IDStandardYesYesYes
To DeviceRecorded console IDStandardYesYesYes
Dialed NumberOriginal dialed numberStandardNoYesNo
From IP

IP address of the IPSI board

To IPIP address of the IPSI boardStandardYesNoNo
From Proxy IPIP address of the proxy server associated with the calling partyStandardNoNoNo
To Proxy IPIP address of the proxy server associated with the called partyStandardNoNoNo
Source PlatformBT ITSStandardYesYesYes
Conversation TypeVoiceStandardYesYesYes
Forward ReasonForward reason for the conversation (e.g. forwarded, transferred, team call, delegated, etc.) StandardNoNoNo
Recording failedIndicates if the recording has failed and the metadata was imported during CDR reconciliationStandardYesNoNo
Media LengthLength of the media file related to the conversation in hhh:mm:ss formatStandardYesNoYes
Media ErrorShows the media processing errors during recordingStandardYesNoYes
Voice QualityOverall voice quality check score for the conversationStandardYesNoYes
Record TypeCDR-Only, Media-OnlyStandardYesYesYes
2N SourceIn case of duplicate (2N) recording, records are marked as primary or secondaryStandardYesYesYes
Call TypeCall, Intercom, Group Intercom, BroadcastBT ITS / IPSI YesNo
Device TypeSpeaker, Handset, IntercomBT ITS / IPSI YesYes
Device InstanceIdentifies the device instance, e.g. Speaker 1, Speaker 2BT ITS / IPSI YesYes
LineLine numberBT ITS / IPSI YesNo
Line NameName of the lineBT ITS / IPSI YesNo
Line TypePSTN MF, Private Wire Manual, PBX MF, …BT ITS / IPSI YesNo
Phantom DDIPhantom Direct Dial Inward numberBT ITS / IPSI YesNo
ConsoleTurret IDBT ITS / IPSI YesYes
Console TypeTurret model, e.g. Netrix ButtonBT ITS / IPSI YesYes
Console NameName of the turretBT ITS / IPSI YesYes
Vertical IDVertical IDBT ITS / IPSI YesYes
Recorder ChannelRecorder Cluster ID – Recorder Trunk ID – Channel IDBT ITS / IPSI YesYes
User NameName of the traderBT ITS / IPSI YesYes
DDIDirect Dial Inward numberBT ITS / IPSI YesNo
DDI LabelDirect Dial Inward labelBT ITS / IPSI YesNo
ELC Group NumberELC Group NumberBT ITS / IPSI YesNo
PrivacyMarked segment while privacy setMarker YesNo
Microphone StateMarked segment while the microphone is latched/onMarker YesNo
Recording on muteMarked segment while recording on mute is setMarker YesNo
Participant Joins/LeavesBarge in participant (trader ID) joins or leaves the callMarker YesNo

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