List Communication Policies

List Communication Policies

Search or List Communication Policies

To view the configured communication policies, navigate to the Communication Policies in the Verba web interface Policies > Communication Policies.

The list displays the following information about each search phrase

  • Sequence - The policies will be evaluated one by one based on the sequence number assigned to them. The evaluation starts with the lowest sequence number and goes in ascending order. If there is a block or an explicit allow action defined for the certain action in a policy, then the engine stops, no other policies will be evaluated.
  • Name/Description - Description of the policy, it is used by the administrators to search the database.
  • Participant A/B - Party A and Party B between whom the given policy will be enforced.
  • Content Policies - Content policies assigned to the given communication policy. For more information see Content Policies.
  • Channels - Shows if a certain policy enforces this type of communication
     Presence - Shows if the presence of party A/B is visible to the other party
     IM - Shows if Party A and B can send instant messages to each other
     Voice - Shows if Party A and B can communicate with each other via voice channels
     Video - Shows if Party A and B can use video calling to contact each other 
     File Transfer - Shows if Party A and B can send files to each other
     Screen sharing - Shows if Party A and B can use screen sharing
     Data share (Conference) - For Skype for Business (Lync) there is the option to restrict the use of  Polls, Whiteboards, Power Point presentations, OneNote note sharing and File attachments in conferences

When the policies are evaluated in the order of the sequence numbers, the decision about the given connection will be made by the first policy that matches the criteria of that connection.
For example if you have two rules:
#1 John Doe can send instant messages to Jane Small (Sequence number 10)
#2 John Doe can NOT send instant messages to anyone (Sequence number 20)
In this case, John Doe will be able to send messages to Jane Small, because the decision is made when the first policy is evaluated, which is to let the message through.

Adding New Communication Policies

For more information refer to Manage Communication Policies

Show Inactive Policies

It is possible to activate or de-activate a certain policy. You can do this via a checkbox on the page where you define a certain policy. To see how to do this, go to the Manage Communication Policies page.

Deactivating a policy means that you invalidate the policy, it will not be deleted, you can restore it anytime you want.
Inactive policies do not show up by default when you list all policies.

Clicking on the Show Inactive Policies button at the top right corner of the page, you can see all the records, including the inactive ones.
After this the button changes to Hide Inactive Policies, and until you switch back to the default mode, you will be able to see the inactive ones.