List Phrases

List Phrases

Search phrase list and statistics

To view the configured search phrases and some statistics about them, navigate to the phrase list in the Verba web interface Speech Search > Search Phrases.

The list displays the following information about each search phrase

  • Language - language is defined for each phrase, needed for multilingual systems
  • Auto Search - shows whether the phrase is in auto-search
  • Exclude from suggestions - phrases with this setting will not show up in search phrase suggestions
  • Searches - the number of speech searches performed where the phrase was included (high number here signals, that the phrase is a good auto-search candidate)
  • Number of hits - the total number of hits for the phrase since it was added to the list
  • Hit Frequency (%) - shows the percent of analyzed calls where the phrase is present (multiple hits in the same file are counted multiple times, therefore this might become larger than 100%)
  • Added - the date the phrase was added to the list
  • Last searched - the date of the last search where the phrase was included (rarely used old phrases can be purged from the system to free storage and processing resources)
  • ID - internal phrase ID

Adding New Search Phrases

All search phrases are automatically added to the system when users search in the system.

It is also possible to add new search phrases manually:

Step 1 - Log in to the Verba web interface with a user that has the 'Speech Administrator' right (Users with system administrator rights can assign that right).

Step 2 - Navigate to the search phrase list using the top menu: Speech Search > Search Phrases

Step 3 - Click on the 'Add New Search Phrase' button in the top right corner.

Step 4 - Type the phrase you wish to add

Step 5 - Select the language. Languages currently available: English (United States), English (United Kingdom)

Step 6 - Check the 'Auto Search' option if you want to enable auto search for the phrase

Step 7 - Check the 'Exclude from suggestions' option if you want to exclude this phrase from the auto suggestion list.

Step 8 - Click 'Save' to save the phrase. Note that the rest of the fields in the form can't be filled out manually, those are populated by the system later on.

Under the Speech Search / Manage Phrases menu item, you can add multiple phrases at once.