Installer Parameters and Unattended Installation
The Verba msi installers files can be started from the command line with additional parameters. The installers can be started the following way:
msiexec /i VerbaRecording.msi [logging setting] [/quiet] [verba parameters]
Logging setting
Loggin can be added by the /L parameter, plus the letters which specify the required information. For example /LE means logging the errors only, or /LEI means logging the errors and the status messages. For Verba, the recommended setting is /L*V. After the logging setting, a file name also has to be specified for the output, for example "/L*V installer.log". The following table describes the available options:
Letter | Log entries |
V | Verbose output |
O | Out-of-disk-space messages |
I | Status messages |
C | Initial UI parameters |
E | All error messages |
W | Non-fatal warnings |
A | Startup of actions |
R | Action-specific records |
M | Out-of-memory or fatal exit information |
U | User requests |
P | Terminal properties |
X | Extra debugging information. |
* | Wildcard for adding all parameters, except the V and X. |
+ | Append to existing file |
! | Flush each line to the log |
Quiet Mode
Quied mode enables the installation of the Verba software with a single command, without using the GUI. In this case, all settings going to be set based on the provided parameters.
Verba parameters
Parameter | Description | Mandatory | Default value | Sample |
SELECTEDROLE | The role to be installed on the server. Available values:
FILTERINSTALLFOLDER | Application installat folder. | C:\Program Files\Verba\ | FILTERINSTALLFOLDER=D:\Apps\Verba\ | |
MEDIA | Media folder. | C:\Program Files\Verba\media\ | MEDIA="D:\Verba media\" | |
USEADVANCEDAPI | Sets if the advanced certificate based secure communication going to be used.
VCERTTHUMBLABEL | The thumbprint of the server certificate. | VCERTTHUMBLABEL=6B5A1D380F5D73BB3A9C0EC47936E6785221A7DC | ||
VCACERTTHUMBLABEL | The thumbprint of the CA certificate. (Verba CA) | VCACERTTHUMBLABEL=7E2349566838AB58306BAB13D45447E25173D8AC | ||
VSERVICEUSERNAME | Username for the service user. If not set, then Local System going to be used as service account. | Yes, if the VNATIVELOGON is set to 1. | VSERVICEUSERNAME=contoso\srv-verba | |
VSERVICEUSERPASSWORD | Password for the service user. | Yes, if the VSERVICEUSERNAME is set. | VSERVICEUSERPASSWORD=P@ssw0rd | |
SKIPSQLSEQUENCE | Sets if the SQL database going to be created.
SKIPREGISTRATIONCHECK | If set to 1, the node won't register itself in the Verba database. | 0 | SKIPREGISTRATIONCHECK=1 | |
SERVERNAMEFORMAT | Sets format for the registration.
VNATIVELOGON | Sets authentication type for the SQL access.
| 0 | VNATIVELOGON=1 | |
SQLADDRESS | The address of the SQL server. | (local) | SQLADDRESS=sql1 | |
SQLCATALOG | The name of the SQL database. | verba | SQLCATALOG=verba | |
SQLUSER | SQL username. | sa | SQLUSER=contoso\srv-verba | |
SQLPASSWORD | SQL password. | Verba456+ | SQLPASSWORD=P@ssw0rd | |
VSSLCERTIFICATEPATH | Path to the SSL certificate .crt file. | VSSLCERTIFICATEPATH=C:\certs\verbassl.crt | ||
VSSLKEYPATH | Path to the SSL certificate .key file. | VSSLKEYPATH=C:\certs\verbassl.key | ||
VSSLPASSWORD | SSL certificate key password. | VSSLPASSWORD=P@ssw0rd | ||
LOGON_USERNAME | Username for the service user at the filter services. | Yes, if the SELECTEDROLE is set to LF or LFRC. | LOGON_USERNAME=contoso\srv-verba | |
LOGON_PASSWORD | Password for the service user at the filter services. | Yes, if the SELECTEDROLE is set to LF or LFRC. | LOGON_PASSWORD=P@ssw0rd | |
RESOLVEDIPV4 | The IP address of the server. | RESOLVEDIPV4= | ||
ADMIN_PASSWORD | Administrator password. | Yes, if the SELECTEDROLE is set to MR or Combo. | ADMIN_PASSWORD=P@ssw0rd | |
MRHOST | First Media Repository server address. | MRHOST=testmr1 | ||
API_PASSWORD | API user password. | API_PASSWORD=P@ssw0rd |