Configuring Phrase Suggestions

Configuring Phrase Suggestions

Phrase Suggestions

Every time a user is searching for a phrase, it will be automatically added to the global phrase list inside the system. Already used phrases are used for suggestions when a user is defining speech search criteria.

The system provides a couple of safeguards for phrase suggestions:

  • by default phrases are suggested only the user who have already used it by typing it in
  • phrases added by administrators also become part of suggestions
  • administrators have the right to remove phrases from suggestions (e.g. inappropriate words)

Excluding a phrase from suggestions

Search phrases are automatically added to the suggestion system when users search in the system.

You can exclude phrases from suggestions, by following these steps:


Step 1 - Log in to the Verba web interface with a user that has the 'Speech Administrator' right (Users with system administrator rights can assign that right)

Step 2 - Navigate to the search phrase list using the top menu: Speech Search > Search Phrases

Step 3 - Click on the phrase you would like to exclude

Step 4 - Check the 'Exclude from suggestions' option

Step 5 - Click 'Save' to save the phrase

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