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Mobile Recording from Vodafone is a next generation mobile voice recording (MVR) solution that captures calls and text messages made and received on any mobile device regardless of operating system.  For more information on the Vodafone solution, please refer to the Vodafone website at


Configuration Parameter NameDescription
Enable Recording Rules

Must be set as used to help determine call direction.

If both source and destination numbers are unknown, i.e., not defined users/extensions, the call will still be recorded but only visible to superuser privilege.

Execute Only On Selected ServersIf enabled, a specific server can be chosen that will run this policy.

Vodafone metadata

The system captures the following


metadata specific to Vodafone recordings. These fields are available through the standard and the Vodafone specific custom metadata template.

Metadata Field




Start Date
Recording Start Date
Start date of the conversationStandardYes
Start Time
Recording Start Time
Start time on the conversationStandardYes
End Date
Recording End DateRecording Duration
End date of the conversationStandardYes
End Time
Recording End TimeDuration
End time of the conversationStandardYes
DurationLength of the conversationStandardYes
UserName of the recorded userStandardYes
FromSubscriber / Third Party Phone numberStandardYes
(Verba)Verba user name associated with the From NumberDirectionCall Direction
InfoUser / contact nameStandardYes
ToSubscriber / Third Party phone number
To (Verba)Verba user name associated with the To number
To InfoUser / contact nameStandardYes
DirectionDirection of the call from the system perspective, requires configuring internal number/domain patternsStandardYes
Direction (User)
Direction of the call from the recorded user perspectiveStandardYes
From (Verba)Verba user name associated with
calling partyVodafone Specific MetadataDescription
the From NumberStandardYes
To (Verba)Verba user name associated with the To numberStandardYes
LocationHostname of the recording serverStandardYes
End CauseNormal, Hold, Transfer, Conference, Device Change, From Terminated, To TerminatedStandardNo
Audio CodecAudio codec of the recorded streamsStandardNo
Video codecVideo codec of the recorded streamsStandardNo
Platform Call IDUnique conversation identifier received from the recorded platformStandardYes
Silence RatioRatio of silence in the conversationStandardNo
Talkover RatioTalkover ratio of the conversationStandardNo
Longest SilenceLength of the longest silence present in the conversationStandardNo
User ID / Agent IDVodafone user IDStandardYes
From DeviceDevice ID of the calling partyStandardNo
To DeviceDevice ID of the called partyStandardNo
Dialed NumberOriginal dialed numberStandardNo
From IPIP address associated with the calling partyStandardNo
To IPIP address associated with the called partyStandardNo
From Proxy IPIP address of the proxy server associated with the caller partyStandardNo
To Proxy IPIP address of the proxy server associated with the called partyStandardNo
Source PlatformVodafoneStandardYes
Conversation TypeVoice
Record TypeStandard

Specific Vodafone metadata is available though the specialised Vodafone template (accessible and configurable through the cog button within the Conversations View) as follows:

Forward ReasonForward reason for the conversation (e.g. forwarded, transferred, team call, delegated, etc.) StandardNo
Recording failedIndicates if the recording has failed and the metadata was imported during CDR reconciliationStandardNo
Media LengthLength of the media file related to the conversation in hhh:mm:ss formatStandardNo
Media ErrorShows the media processing errors during recordingStandardNo
Voice QualityOverall voice quality check score for the conversationStandardNo
Record TypeStandardStandardYes
2N SourceIn case of duplicate (2N) recording, records are marked as primary or secondaryStandardNo
Recording IdUnique recording identifierVodafone Yes
Archival RemarksVodafone archiver identifier and timestamp of call archive within VodafoneVodafone Yes
Ingestion Time UTCTimestamp of VFC recording ingestion
within VFC
Vodafone Yes
Route IdCall route within VodafoneVodafone Yes
FilenameMedia filename within Vodafone, including IP of Vodafone archiverVodafone Yes