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Mobile Recording from Vodafone is a next generation mobile voice recording (MVR) solution that captures calls and text messages made and received on any mobile device regardless of operating system.  For more information on the Vodafone solution, please refer to the Vodafone website at


Configuration ItemDescription
Primary Service URLURL of the storage location where Vodafone recordings are stored
Secondary Service URLURL of the storage location where Vodafone recordings are stored
UserVodafone account user name
PasswordVodafone account password
TLS Certificate File / ThumbprintCertificate file / certificate thumbprint used for the Vodafone connection.
TLS Key FileFile system location where the certificate key is stored.
TLS Key PasswordSpecify the password for the file that contains the certificate keys.
TLS Key Trust List

Specify the list of certificates that Verba trusts from a 3rd-party connection. Available options:

pem file with a list of certificates

comma separated certificate thumbprints

comma separated CA thumbprints

Forward Proxy AddressIP address or FQDN of the forward proxy. When defined, the system will connect through a forward proxy.
Forward Proxy PortThe port of the forward proxy
Forward Proxy UsernameUsername for basic authentication for the forward proxy server
Forward Proxy PasswordPassword for basic authentication for the forward proxy server
Business Hours TimezoneTimezone applied to business hours for monitoring and failover purposes
Business Hours Start TimeStart of business hours
Business Hours End TimeEnd of business hours
Default Throttle Wait Time (Seconds)Import back off time if Vodafone is busy
Recording Import Batch SizeMaximum number of Vodafone calls to request at once
On Completion Delete Files Stored In VodafoneMust always selected during production. Allows flexibility during setup and testing.


Step 4 - Click Save to save the settings

Image RemovedImage Added

Import Policy Configuration


Vodafone Specific MetadataDescription
Recording IdUnique recording identifier
Archival RemarksVodafone archiver identifier and timestamp of call archive within Vodafone
Ingestion Time UTCTimestamp of recording ingestion within VFC
Route IdCall route within Vodafone
FilenameMedia filename within Vodafone, including IP of Vodafone archiver
