Menu structure
Menu structure
Menu items and functions depend on the authorization profile of the user. Functions that are not available for the specific user are hidden.
This part of the main menu lets users access call lists with predefined selection criteria and sorting based on various filters. Normally the search starts immediately after selecting a menu item. The resulting call lists appear in the Body area or in a pop-up window.
Group and system supervisors will have visibility to their respective authority circle of users when executing many of these queries.
- Search - This menu takes users to the search criteria definition page where they can define various flexible search criteria to find call recordings.
- Ongoing - This item displays the list of ongoing conversations that are being recorded.
- Agent View - Supervisors can monitor the work of agents by looking at their live desktop screen.
- On-Demand Buffer - This list menu item displays conversations that are not yet kept but are marked for recording.
- Saved Queries - This menu item contains the saved queries of the user that were previously defined in the search page.
- Manage Shared Items - Conversations can be shared among users. This page lets users change the parameters of their conversation shares. (i.e. extending/revoking access to a share).
- View Shared Items - Conversations can be shared among users. This page displays the conversations shared with the user.
- Participant Sets - Customised participant sets can be used to define a group of people within the system.
- Speech Search Phrases - Users can search and list speech phrases by using the appropriate filters in this item.
- My Exports - This item displays the export operations that the user created.
Quality Management
- All Evaluations - Supervisors can rate the agent conversations by using this interface.
- My Evaluations - Users can see their ratings using this page.
- Projects - By creating projects supervisors can assign calls of certain agents to certain supervisors for evaluation.
- Forms - By creating scorecards, the supervisors can rate the calls of their agents.
- Skills - Agent skills like empathy, communication, technical knowledge, etc.can be added here.
- Request Access - This item offers users the option to select the requested data filtered to Users/Groups, Cases or Label in the drop-down menu.
- Requests - This item lists all the requests. Users can search for and list authorization requests.
- Workflows - Users can create custom workflows to gain access to the requested conversations.
- Message Templates - The email messages that are sent to requesters/approvers can be configured in the Message Templates item. Users can select these templates in a workflow.
Communication Policies
- Communication Policies - Communication Policies are the foundation of your Ethical wall, they define how and when Users and Groups can communicate with each other.
- Content Policies - Instant Messaging content can be filtered based on business requirements.
- Notifications - Users can define the messages to be sent to notifications, which then can be sent to selected parties when a given communication channel is opened.
- Disclaimers - Users can define the texts of the disclaimers, which then can be sent to selected parties when a given communication channel is opened.
- Validator - Using the Communication Policy Validator users can test Communication Policies.
- Audit Log - This item logs Ethical Wall events.
- Dashboard - This is a configurable tool providing a quick look at the most useful statistics for the user.
- Create New Report - By creating reports users can gain a summarized view of the data in the system.
- Report Templates - In this item users can create Report Templates and reuse them at a later time.
- Reports - This item displays an overview of previously created reports that can be downloaded from this page.
- Users - Administrators can access the user administration page from this item.
- Groups - Administrators can access the group administration page from this item.
- Extensions - Administrators can use this page to configure extension (phone) numbers to be recorded and link users to specific phone numbers.
- Roles - This is the basis of the Role-based access control (RBAC) in the system. User rights can be defined in Roles and then the roles are assigned to users.
- Active Directory Synchronization - The Active Directory Connection parameters can be defined here so that the users and extensions in Verba are automatically synchronized from AD.
- Bulk User and Extension Update - In this field, the user and extension parameters can be bulk updated by defining the new values of the parameters.
- Bulk User Import - This submenu allows administrators to create Verba user accounts using a bulk import feature.
- Data Management Policies - Administrators can set up different types of data retention rules to define storage policies for the recorded conversations.
- Storage Targets - Users can set up target folders for the data retention policies in this item.
- Import sources - Users can search and list the various import sources by using the appropriate filters in this item.
- Data processors - Users can search and list data processors by using the appropriate filters in this item.
- Manage Labels - This item lists the Cases that were placed on Legal Hold.
- Labels in Legal Hold - This item lists the Labels that were placed on Legal Hold.
- Automatic Labeling - Users can find and list Label Rules in this item based on the set filters.
- Manage Cases - This item lists the cases that were previously created in the system. Users can add new cases to this page. For more information refer to the Cases article.
- Cases in Legal Hold - This item lists cases placed on Legal Hold.
- Export - Users can export groups of conversations and create backups of conversations in this item.
- Servers - Administrators can register and administer all types of settings for the deployed Verba servers (e.g. local recorders).
- Configuration Profiles - These profiles can be applied to Verba servers, making the administration of the servers easy and convenient.
- Metadata Templates - Conversation records can be extended with Fields that contain additional information on that record can be added to conversation records.
- Conversation List Layout - Administrators can define the content of the default List Layout, which is automatically assigned to a new user.
- Request Server Certificates - Service connections are encrypted by using certificates. Administrators can request certificates to a new Verba server if it cannot access the web application during installation.
- Encryption/Signing certificates - Recordings are encrypted by using certificates. Administrators can add and access the certificates to be used.
- API Keys - Software developers can create custom applications that access Verba through an API. The keys for the communication with the API can be managed here.
- Audit Log - Administrators have access to the read-only event logs that provide an audit trail of certain user activities and system events.
- Alert management - Users can set up alerts in this item.
- Background Tasks - This page shows the background tasks that are scheduled in the system (i.e. Data Retention Policies)
- Collect Configuration and Logs - Users can collect and configuration setups and logs in this item.
- Session Monitor - Administrators can view real-time status of active user sessions in the Verba Web Application.
- Database Summary - Administrators can display summary information on Verba database including call information and configuration databases here.
- Database Purging - Administrators can remove erroneous call records from the database in this item.
- License - Administrators can view the details of the currently applied license for the system, including the expiration date and the number of licenses for each function.
Account information
- My account - This item displays an overview of the user information.
- Change password - Users can change their password at any time in this item.
- Sign out - Logged in users sign out from the user interface here.
- Online Help - This item opens a new tab in your browser, that points to https://kb.verba.com/
- Online Support - This item opens the online Verba support page. Normally system support and administrator personnel use this site ( a user ID and a password are required).
- Downloads - Administrators have access to various Verba plug-ins in this item.
- About - This item displays the version and registration information along with the EULA (End-User License Agreement).
, multiple selections available,
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