Debug output
Debug output
Debug output shows messages about the operation of the internal activities and algorithms of the Verba services. In order to run a component in debug mode, first you have to stop the desired service through the Verba Web Application under Administration / Verba Servers / Service Control and Activation or through Windows Service Control application (Start Menu / Settings / Control Panel / Administrative Tools / Services).
If Verba System Monitor is enabled for a given service, make sure that you stop the Verba System Monitor service too, unless it will automatically restart the given service.
Verba service | Binary folder | Command line | Description |
Verba Passive Recorder Service | c:\Program Files\Verba\bin | verbaengine.exe -d | In this mode the Verba Passive Recorder starts as an online call recorder, but it continuously shows information about the current configuration read, signaling, database, and other actions. The output messages can be redirected from the standard output to a file (> output.txt). |
Verba Central Cisco Recorder Service | c:\Program Files\Verba\bin | nativerecorder.exe -d | In this mode the Verba Cisco Central Recorder starts as an online call recorder, but it continuously shows information about the current configuration read, signaling and other actions. The output messages can be redirected from the standard output to a file (> output.txt). |
Verba Central Cisco Recorder Database Service | c:\Program Files\Verba\bin | Run-Verba-Central-Cisco-Recorder-Database-Service-in-CMD.bat | In this mode the Verba Cisco Native Recorder Database service starts as a real-time connector for Verba Cisco Native Recorder (completes CDR information via JTAPI), but it continuously shows information about the current configuration read, signaling and other actions. The output messages can be redirected from the standard output to a file (> output.txt). |
Verba Avaya Recorder Service | c:\Program Files\Verba\bin | Run-Verba-Avaya-Recorder-Service-in-CMD.bat | In this mode the Verba Avaya Recorder starts as an online call recorder, but it continuously shows information about the current configuration read, signaling, database and other actions. The output messages can be redirected from the standard output to a file (> output.txt). |
Verba IP Trade Recorder Service | c:\Program Files\Verba\bin | verbaiptrade.exe -d | In this mode the Verba IP Trade Recorder starts as an online call recorder, but it continuously shows information about the current configuration read, signaling, database and other actions. The output messages can be redirected from the standard output to a file (> output.txt). |
Verba Dial-in Recorder Service | c:\Program Files\Verba\bin | ivrserver.exe -d | In this mode the Verba Dial-in Recorder starts as an online call recorder, but it continuously shows information about the current configuration read, signaling, database and other actions. The output messages can be redirected from the standard output to a file (> output.txt). |
Verba Media Transcoder Service | c:\Program Files\Verba\bin | transcoder.exe -d | In this mode the Verba Media Transcoder starts as an online transcoder, but it continuously shows information about the current configuration read, database and other actions. The output messages can be redirected from the standard output to a file (> output.txt). |
Verba Passive Capturing and Recording Backup Service | c:\Program Files\Verba\bin | continuity.exe -d | In this mode the Verba Passive Capturing and Recording Backup starts as an online capturing tool, but it continuously shows information about the current configuration read and other actions. The output messages can be redirected from the standard output to a file (> output.txt). |
Verba Active Recorder and Streamer Service | c:\Program Files\Verba\bin | activerecorder.exe -d | In this mode the Verba Active Recorder and Streamer starts as an online call recorder, but it continuously shows information about the current configuration read, signaling, database and other actions. The output messages can be redirected from the standard output to a file (> output.txt). |
Verba Windows Media Streamer Service | c:\Program Files\Verba\bin | wmstreamer.exe -d | In this mode the Verba Windows Media Streamer starts as an online streaming connector for Windows Media Streaming Server, but it continuously shows information about the current configuration read and other actions. The output messages can be redirected from the standard output to a file (> output.txt). |
Verba Storage Management Service | c:\Program Files\Verba\bin | verbastorage.exe -d | In this mode the Verba Storage Managerment starts as an online service, but it continuously shows information about the current configuration read, database and other actions. The output messages can be redirected from the standard output to a file (> output.txt). |
Verba Media Sorter Service | c:\Program Files\Verba\bin | verbasorter.exe -d | In this mode the Verba Media Sorter starts as an online service, but it continuously shows information about the current configuration read, database and other actions. The output messages can be redirected from the standard output to a file (> output.txt). |
Verba Wave Formatter Service | c:\Program Files\Verba\bin | waveform.exe -d | In this mode the Verba Wave Formatter starts as an online service, but it continuously shows information about the current configuration read and other actions. The output messages can be redirected from the standard output to a file (> output.txt). |
Verba System Monitor Service | c:\Program Files\Verba\bin | verbasysmon.exe -d | In this mode the Verba System Monitor starts as an online service, but it continuously shows information about the current configuration read, database and other actions. The output messages can be redirected from the standard output to a file (> output.txt). |
Verba Node Manager Agent | c:\Program Files\Verba\bin | verbaagent.exe -d | In this mode the Verba Node Manager Agent starts as an online service, but it continuously shows information about the current configuration read, database and other actions. The output messages can be redirected from the standard output to a file (> output.txt). |
Verba Media Synchronization Service | c:\Program Files\Verba\bin | verbasync.exe -d=y/n |
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