Configuring IP Trade turrets for central recording

This section provides information on configuring the IP Trade trading solution for recording. For the latest configuration guides and options, please contact IP Trade directly.

For the supported turrets and versions, see Central call recording with RTP forking for IP Trade turrets

For the detailed information regarding the configuration of the Verba IP Trade Recorder service, see IP Trade Recorder settings.

The Verba Recording System does not require a separate IP Trade ReplayBox component to provide playback-on-turret functionality. This makes call playbacks much faster. Your ReplayBox parameter can point to the Verba Media Repository.

Turret-based recording configuration

This topic describes the recording related configuration keys in the turret configuration.

Step 1 - Login to the web based TSS administration interface.

Step 2 - Navigate to TSS / System / Settings / FTP/TFTP Settings.

Step 3 - Go to Recorder and check Recorder compatibility to iptrade.

Step 4 - Enable Keep Alive on all recorded turrets.

Step 5 - Make a Shared Profile which will be attached to all of the recorded turrets (if there is an existing shared profile it can be used for this settings but make sure it is attached to all of the recorded turrets).

Step 6 - In the Shared Profile settings do the following steps:

Step 1 - At Basic Mode tab go to Recorder and set the Recording server address. (vrc://

Step 2 - Set Recording Mixing mode to separated.

Step 3 - Set Authorize Replay to true.

Step 4 - Set the ReplayBox URL. (

Step 5 - To see the Replay panel on the turrets go to the shared profile's Turret Layout tab and there go to the Access Button Configuration and add the Recorder button to the menu.

Step 7 - In the Turret FTP settings do the following:

At Advanced Mode tab add the following 2 keys:

  • = TCP
  • profile.setting.disablerecorder = false

Step 8 - Configure the profile settings according to your needs. See the table below for available configuration options.

Step 9 - Make sure to reboot all recorded turrets after the configuration changes.


Recorder configuration

Keep alive configuration

Parameter reference

Please make sure you follow the Location field (FTP or Shared Profile) in this table. If not properly followed, recording and/or playback-on-turret will not work.

Configuration Name and Key



Recorder compatibility



Defines which type of recorder is in use.

For Verba Recording System it has to be the default value: iptrade.

Recorder server


Shared Profilevrc://

Recorder Server URI for active recording.

Format: vrc://recorder_address:port

For redundancy, add the second recorder after ";" Example: vrc://;vrc://

The port number is configured in the Verba Recording System, see IP Trade Recorder settings.

Recording mixing mode


Shared Profileseparated

Indicates the mixing mode:

  • separated: each call is recorded separatly by recorder channel at the same time.We use one recorder channel by call.
  • mixed: calls can be recorded on a same recorder channel at the same time. Onerecorder channel can be used for several calls at the same time.

Default recording channel

Shared Profile0All devices which are not configured to be recorded on a particular channel arerecorded on the default channel set using this keyNo effect if mixing mode is not "mixed".

Recording channel 0..9 devices

Shared Profile Devices recorded on channel 0 (mixing mode only).Multiple devices may be listed separated by ';' character.For advanced GUI editions applet may be referenced in this key.

Authorize replay


Shared ProfiletrueDefines if recorder replay is authorized on the turret.

ReplayBox URL


Shared Profilehttp://

Defines the URL path to the ReplayBox module for recording replay features.

Format: http://recorder_address:port

The port number is configured in the Verba Recording System, see IP Trade Recorder settings.

If you have multi site deployment, where you have a separated Media Repository, you have to point the replay URL to this server and not to the recorder.

Replay mode

FTPTCPDefines the replay mode.

Disable recorder


Shared ProfilefalseSpecifies if recorder button is disabled on the screen. If true, the user is not able toaccess the recorder panel.

Recorder icon blink count


Shared Profile10Defines the number of times the recorder icon has to blink (red) when the recorderconnection fails.

TPO-based recording configuration

Step 1 - Login to the web based TSS administration interface.

Step 2 - Navigate to the Device Management \ TPOs menu.

Step 3 - Select the TPO from the list.

Step 4 - Go to the Boot Settings tab (Basic Mode).

Step 5 - Set the Recorder compatibility setting to iptrade.

Step 6 - Provide the Verba Recording Server(s) in the Recorder Server setting in vrc://server_name:port format. Two Recording Servers can be provided separated by semicolon. The default port for IP Trade recording is 8000, and 8001 for the secondary server.

Step 7 (Optional) - The 2N or N+1 recording mode can be changed under the Expert Mode tab, at the 

Step 8 - Click on the Update button to save the changes.