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Step 4 - Add a new zone with the  icon under Unigy Zones. On the right panel, configure the zone configuration settings as described below:


Enter the URL of the Unigy CTI service. It should be like http://zone_vip/ctisvc/recording/CSTAService where the host part must identify the Zone VIP.

If secure communication is required the URL should be https://.... If HTTPS is configured recorder establishes recording channels via SIP over TLS as well.


If secure communication is configured, Verba should be configured to use a Unigy trusted certificate.

Local CTI portThis is a The port on which Verba listens to CTI events from Unigy after subscription on to these. If not configured, a random free port is selected in the range 1024-65535 is randomly selected. If for firewall reasons this should be a specific port then it can be configured. The port must be unique for each zone and IPC Zone, and it must be free (ie other applications should not use it)not in use by other applications). The recommended setting is to explicitly set these ports, starting from 6001.

Local SIP port

The port on which Verba listens to SIP requests from Unigy that are related to media mixes. If not configured, a free port in the range 1024-65535 is randomly selected. If for firewall reasons this should be a specific port then it can be configured. The port must be unique for each IPC Zone, and it must be free (not in use by other applications). The recommended setting is to explicitly set these ports, starting from 5062.

CCM SIP portIf for some reason Unigy does not use the standard/default 5060/5061 ports, then the SIP port number should must be configured here.
Secondary Recorder (2N)If 2N recording is required then one Recording Director should have the primary role, and the other Recording Director the secondary role. If it is enabled, the Recording Director will subscribe to "duplicate" mixes defined in the recording profile. 


Step 5 - Configure the certificate settings if secure communication is used in zone configuration:

SSL/TLS Certificate

Specify the certificate file/certificate thumbprint (a certificate stored in the Windows Certificate Store or PEM/PFX certificate file path). The certificate must be signed by Unigy.

SSL/TLS KeyIf a file-based certificate (PEM) is used, the path of the private key file. If it is bundled with the certificate, then the same file should be set here.
SSL/TLS Key PasswordSpecify the password for the file that contains the certificate keys
SSL/TLS Trust List

Specify the list of certificates validating Unigy's certificate:

  • empty: no validation on Verba side
  • thumbprint: either self-signed certificate with the thumbprint or CA-signed certificate where CA certificate matches the thumbprint is accepted
  • *: use windows top-level CA store
  • PEM file path: the file should contain the certificate chain for Unigy Enterprise


Step 6 - Review the following optional configuration settings:

CDR/Agent Event Subscription Keepalive (seconds)Thekeepalive timer for the subscription. The lower value detects failure quicker but causes more load on Unigy.
Agent State Polling Period (seconds)The timer for agent state polling, lower value detects failure quicker but causes more load on Unigy.
Unigy Controlled Recording

Recording decision from IPC should or not override Verba decision
