Cisco phones with central call recording support

Cisco phones with central call recording support

"Almost" all Cisco phones support central recording

The Verba passive, network spanning / traffic monitoring based recording engine technology supports all Cisco phones, however, the Verba central recording technology needs cooperation from software built into the Cisco phones to deliver the recording function. Not all Cisco phones support this recording mode, one requirement is the build-in-bridge technology in the phone.

*89xx and 99xx series support iSAC codec which isn't supported by Verba. UCM Region codec settings should disable this codec to record all the calls established by these models.

Find out what phones are supported on your system

To find out, which phones are supported on your CUCM version, use the buil-in reporting tool:

Step 1 Login to Cisco Unified Reporting on CUCM admin screen.

Step 2 From System Reports select Unified CM Phone Feature List.

Step 3 Select Feature: Record. This will list all phones capable to do RTP forking.