Category: Quality Management Widgets
Displays the distribution of evaluation scores over a specified period of time. The data is collected from the scorecards, based on the configured filtering options. The widget displays information grouped by average evaluation score values.
Chart | - Column 3D
- Column 2D
- Bar 2D
- Pie 2D
- Pie 3D
- Doughnut 2D
- Area 2D
Table | - The results are shown in a standard 2D table format.
Date Interval | Only calls in the defined date and time interval will be displayed. - Current: This option lets you select the entire current (momentary) hour, day, week, month, quarter or year for the query interval.
The system dynamically calculates the current date and time, every time the widget is displayed. E.g. current week on Tuesday at 10:15 AM, will correspond to a date and time interval between Monday 00:00 AM and Sunday 11:59 PM. - Last: This option lets you select the entire last hour, day, week, month, quarter or year for the query interval.
The system dynamically calculates the last date and time, every time the widget is displayed. E.g. last week on Tuesday at 10:15 AM, will correspond to a date and time interval between Tuesday 10:15 AM on the week before and Tuesday 10:15 AM (momentary date). - Previous: This option lets you select the entire previous calendar hour, day, week, month, quarter or year for the query interval.
The system dynamically calculates the previous date and time, every time the widget is displayed. E.g. previous week on Tuesday at 10:15 AM, will correspond to a date and time interval between Monday 00:00 AM on the week before and Sunday 11:59 PM on the week before. - Fixed:This option lets you freely customize a static date and time interval for the query.
Agent | Only evaluations for the selected agent(s) will be displayed |
Supervisor | Only evaluations for the selected supervisor(s) will be displayed |
Groups | Only evaluations for the agent(s) of the selected group(s) will be displayed |
Evaluation Project | Only evaluations based on the selected evaluation project(s) will be displayed |
Evaluation Form | Only evaluations based on the selected evaluation form(s) will be displayed |
Score | Only evaluations matching the overall score criteria will be displayed |