Disclaimer Templates

Disclaimer Templates


The Verba Ethical wall solution can send Disclaimers to the participants of a communication session.

The users can define the messages to be sent out as disclaimers with the aid of Disclaimer Templates.
The see and manage Disclaimer Templates, in the Verba web interface navigate to Policies > Disclaimer Templates.

The steps to define disclaimer messages for a certain Communication Policy are as follows

Step 1 - In the Verba web interface navigate to Policies > Disclaimer Templates

Step 2 - Click on Add New Template at the top right corner of the page

Step 3 - Define the initial parameters for the template as shown in the Add New Template section below

Step 4 - Define your policy as shown in the Define Your Template section below

Step 5 - Assign the Disclaimer Template and the desired language to a Communication Policy as shown in Manage Communication Policies

Add New Template

To Add a New Disclaimer Template, navigate to Policies > Disclaimer Templates in the Verba web interface, and then in the top right corner click on Add New Template.

  • Name - The name is for administration purposes only, choose any that you like.
  • Initialize template texts - To save time and effort, templates that are already defined in the system can be imported. When this option is used, only messages that are different need to be changed.
  • Language - Choose the languages to be used in this template. The ones that are already defined in the system are shown. See the Define a Template section on adding new languages.

Click on Save, and then continue with the Define a Template section.

Define a Template

To Add a New Language that is not yet assigned to a template, click on the Add New Language button > Select the language and finally click on Add

The disclaimer text can be set under the Texts tab. This message will be sent to the participants as a disclaimer.

The text of this message can be defined in every language assigned to the given template.