Generic Import functions

Generic Import functions

This article describes the supported functions fields in the Generic Import Source.

Function TypeFunction description Return valueValue type
AbsoluteCalculates the absolute value of the input number.Absolute (A)= |A|string
AddAdds two numbers.Add (A,B) = A+Bstring
AndReturns TRUE if all of the arguments evaluate to TRUE.AND(True,True)= Trueboolean
ConcatConcatenates the argument values into one text and returns with it.concat(A,B,C)  =  ABCstring
DivideReturns with the divided value of two numbers (A / B).Divide (A,B) = A/Bstring
EqualChecks equality between two values (A = B)). Returns with a boolean result.1 if true, 0 if falseboolean
GreaterChecks if the first parameter is greater than the second one (A > B). Returns with a boolean result.1 if true, 0 if falseboolean
Greater or equalChecks if the first parameter is greater or equal to the second one (A >= B). Returns with a boolean result.1 if true, 0 if falseboolean
IfBased on the first logical parameter returns with the second or third parameter. If the logical value is TRUE then returns with the first parameter, otherwise with the second parameter.if(condition, A, B) = A if true, B if falsestring
LessChecks if the first parameter is less than the second one (A < B). Returns with a boolean result.1 if true, 0 if falseboolean
Less or equalChecks if the first parameter is less or equal to the second one (A <= B). Returns with a boolean result.1 if true, 0 if falseboolean
MappingBased on the first parameter value it finds a "Dictionary" key parameter in the given list and returns with its value.Map(1, 1 ->odd, 2->even) = oddstring
MultiplyReturns with the multiplied value of two numbers (A * B).Multiply (A,B) = A*Bstring
OrReturns TRUE if any argument evaluates to TRUE.Or(True, False) = Trueboolean
RegexIn the first parameter value run a regex search pattern from the second parameter. The first group match will be the outputregex(1234, \d{2}) = 12string
ReplaceIn the first parameter, it searches a string from the second parameter and replaces with the third parameter.replace(input,in,out) = outputstring
SubstringReturns the portion of the string from the first parameter specified by the start and length parameters from the second and the third parameter.substring(input data, 2,3)= putstring
SubtractSubtracts the second number from the first number.Subtract(A,B)=A-B