Data model for trader voice recordings

The system stores recordings in the database using 2 different data models:
  • Standard data model: a single conversation entry (CDR) is linked to a single media file (1-to-1 relationship), suitable for normal phone calls, instant messages, files, etc.
  • Trader voice data model: conversation entries can be linked to multiple media files (Many-to-Many relationship), suitable for trader voice recordings


The Many-to-Many relation, used by the trader voice specific data model, is supported by 2 types of records in the database:
  • CDR-only: CDR-only records contain CDR information and reference to one or more media-only records
  • Media-only: One media-only record is shared across multiple CDR-only records (channel mixing, TPO recording)


The trader voice data model is available for the following trader voice integrations:
  • IPC Unigy
  • BT IPTrade
  • Speakerbus


This data model allows storing a single copy of the media in case of mixed recording channels or TPO based recording where multiple calls/sessions are referencing a single media entry.
The trader voice specific data model is enabled by the default for the supported integrations but can be optionally disabled. If the trader voice specific data model is disabled, the system will use the standard data model for trader voice recordings. In case of open lines in a mixed recording channel, it means that each CDR will have a separate media file entry containing the same data.
Generally, there is no difference between the data models when it comes to features, although certain features work slightly differently when the system uses the trader voice specific data model. The following table describes the effect of the trader voice specific data model on key features:


FeatureOperationfor trader voice data model


CDR-only (and standard) records are shown by default, the user can switch to show media-only records as well


Requires post processing to stitch and cut media-only records to CDR-only records. Seamlessly integrated intoweb basedplayback, media files are generated temporarily and cached

Data retention

Set for both CDR-only and media-only records in Verba
On WORM storages: only media-only records have retention period setting


Media-only records have their own retention but even so, cannot be deleted until a CDR-only record references it

Voice quality check and transcoding

Applies to media-only records


Transcription, phonetic indexing

Supported for CDR-only records using media stitching


Calls can be exported either with stitched media (standard model) or as per turret model


Both standard and turret model is supported

Desktop/agent screen recording

Not supported