Metadata designer


You can define what extra business specific call information should be stored for each phone call. Custom Meta Data Designer is a tool available in the Verba Web Application.

A typical application of metadata is to add customer IDs, subscription or contact IDs to your recorded calls.

Configuring Metadata Templates

To access the designer interface, navigate to Administration / Metadata Templates.

In this tool you can define unlimited number of custom metadata fields accessible for the users and external applications. This facility provides a flexible template based framework to easily enrich meta data for each recorded interaction. A set of custom fields is called a meta data template.

All fields that you want to use from your Attach Metadata API calls should be defined in this tool.

Each template consist of one or more custom meta data field definitions:



Display NameThe displayed name of the custom field variable. It is displayed on the web interface for the users.

Required field
Minimum length: 3
Maximum length: 128 

Field IdentifierUnique identifier of the field used by external applications to refer to the field through the API.

Required field
Minimum length: 3
Maximum length: 128
Must be unique in the system

The field cannot contain special characters and spaces, only alphanumerical characters including underscore (_) or dash (-) can be used.

Enable API AccessIndicates whether external applications can access/write this field or not. If you want to insert information into this field by an external application, this option has to be enabled.-
EditableIf enabled, users can edit/modify the content of the field on the web interface.-
PrivateBy default all custom fields are public, which means that the content of the field is available for anyone in the system, who has access to the call itself. If the private flag is enabled on the custom field, then only the user, which filled in the data in the field can edit the content of the field. API driven fields cannot be private.-

Type of the custom field variable. The following valid values apply:

  • Text
  • Numeric
  • Date
  • Boolean

Note: all values are stored as string variables in the database to avoid discrepancies and incompatibility, however in order to provide sophisticated search controls and operators, the system has to know the type of the data inserted into the custom field variable. E.g. for numerical fields, users can use "Greater Then" or "Less Then" operators.


Defines the way how the custom field is displayed on the user interface. The following valid values apply:

  • Single-line Input Box
  • Multi-line Input Box
  • Selection List
  • CheckBox.

The type of the custom field defines the available appearance options.

  • Numeric: Single-line Input Box, Selection List
  • Text: Single-line Input Box, Multi-line Input Box, Selection List
  • Date: Single-line Input Box
  • Boolean: CheckBox
ItemsIf the appearance is set to Selection List, here you can define the preconfigured items, which are automatically offered for the user.