Configuring the Ethical Wall for Skype for Business


The Verba Ethical Wall for Skype for Business (Lync) uses the following connections to the Skype for Business (Lync) platform:

  • Trusted application on the Front End Servers - a filter is processing signaling for presence blocking, session blocking, and disclaimers
  • UCMA application - used for notifications


The Verba Ethical Wall and the Verba Ethical Wall init have to be registered in the Skype for Business (Lync) environment as trusted applications. The required commands can be found under the "Verba SfB/Lync Communication Policy Service" section in the Installing the Verba Skype for Business - Lync Filter article.

An API user has to be created. This is a regular Verba user with Superuser role. Optionally the API Access Only setting can be turned on. For more information refer to the User Configuration page.

If the notifications are required then the Verba Announcement service needs to be installed and configured. For instructions, please refer to the Installing and configuring the Verba SfB - Lync Announcement service page.

Configuring Verba components

Front End Servers

The actions described below need to be completed for each Front End Server.

Step 1 - In the Verba Web Application navigate to System \ Servers

Step 2 - Select a Front End Server

Step 3 - Click on the Service Activation tab

Step 4 - Activate the Verba SfB/Lync Communication Policy Service, using the  icon at the end of the line

Step 5 - Click on the Change Configuration Settings tab

Step 6 - Under the Skype for Business/Lync Ethical Wall -> General section set the required settings:

Server VersionThe version of the Skype for Business/Lync environmentLync Server 2013
Verba Announcement servicesThe announcement services, one in each line. Required only if the notifications are required. The format is: announcement_server_hostname:10211|computer_gruutestucma1:10211|sip:testucma1.verbatest.local@verbatest.local;gruu;opaque=srvr:trainingannouncementapp:LOqq58liLV2IFR7QVbfv4QAA
MR HTTP API Server URLThe web application URLhttp://verbaserver/verba
API UserThe user name of the API user. This can be a regular Verba user with API access and superuser role. 
API PasswordThe password of the API user. 

Step 7 - Save and apply configuration