Get Waveform

Get Waveform


Retrieves the waveform for the given call.

The function is available as a HTTP GET or HTTP POST request.


Get Waveform:

Get Waveform HTTP GET sample:


Detailed description of the API request elements:

URL parameterExample


actionaction=GetWaveformName of the HTTP API request.Mandatory
apiKeyapiKey=D5D395D8-CD6E-4B92-8068-004E41874367API key used to identify the application.Mandatory
tokentoken=AMGRkYRN23daANVnlac0dDUan51nQpOqUnique identifier for authenticated sessions. After successful authentication, the API sends back a token, which has to be used for each request.Mandatory if authentication is configured for the given API key.
cidcid=4abcc460-1f3b-11e1-9cfe-0016d4a3517cDefines the internal ID of the call.Either the callID or either the number parameter is mandatory

Defines the waveform's width.


Defines the waveform's height.


Allows to use unique colors in the waveform. The value can be true or false. if the value is false the waveform will be created in Verba Technologies's style, otherwise the colors can be set with the following parameters:

  • bgColor
  • maxColor
  • minColor
  • transparency
bgColorbgColor=0xF0F0F0Defines the background color of the waveform. The value of the parameter represents a color in the RGB colorspace. The lowest 8 bits set the red channel, the middle 8 bits set the green channel, and the highest 8 bit set the blue channel.Mandatory if the value of the ColorDefined parameter is true.
maxColormaxColor=0xF4F2F2Defines the color of the wave. The value of the parameter represents a color in the RGB colorspace. The lowest 8 bits set the red channel, the middle 8 bits set the green channel, and the highest 8 bit set the blue channel.Mandatory if the value of the ColorDefined parameter is true.
minColorminColor=0x232323Defines the color of the wave. The value of the parameter represents a color in the RGB colorspace. The lowest 8 bits set the red channel, the middle 8 bits set the green channel, and the highest 8 bit set the blue channel.Mandatory if the value of the ColorDefined parameter is true.
transparencytransparency=0x000000Defines the transparency of the waveform.Mandatory if the value of the ColorDefined parameter is true.


The response contains the waveform in PNG format.