Table of Contents
SQL scripts have to be executed on both the Verba and Verint databases before the migration can be started. The SQL scripts can be executed using the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio which can be downloaded from
Running the SQL scripts on the Verba database
In order to run the SQL scripts on the Verba database, the SQL user requires the ALTER ANY LINKED SERVER permission or the sysadmin role to run these scripts. If you need help granting the permission, follow the article at
The SQL script files can be found on the Verba Media Repository Server under the c:\Program Files\Verba\resources\db\verintmig folder. Execute them in alphabetical order on the Verba database before starting the migration:
1. update-programs-verintmig-aaa-common.sql
2. update-programs-verintmig-aaa-common-inum.sql
3. update-programs-verintmig-bo.sql
4. update-programs-verintmig-fo-cti.sql
5. update-programs-verintmig-fo-cti-15.sql (only from Verba 9.5)
6. update-programs-verintmig-fo-vox.sql
7. update-programs-verintmig-fo-vox-15.sql (only from Verba 9.5)
8. update-programs-verintmig-us.sql (only from Verba 9.5)
9. update-programs-verintmig-zzz-common.sql
This script is located at c:\Program Files\Verba\tomcat\webapps\verba\WEB-INF\verintmig\verintmig-download\verba-verint-centralcontact.sql, or can be downloaded from the Verba UI at the Verint Migration Source Database configuration page.
The script will add a new column to the Archive.dbo.Media table named verba_prio. Before starting the migration, this column has to be populated manually. Storage locations that are more likely to be available should be given a higher number.
Migration tool
The migration tool, available through the Verba user interface, provides the following features:
You can optionally set From and To times to narrow down the migrated time interval.
The column mapping is pre-configured and cannot be changed on the UI. If it has to be changed, then the new XML mapping file can be uploaded in the Verint Migration Source Databases List screen, using the Upload New Column Mapping link at the top right corner.
A preview of the data (the first 100 records) is available on the Preview tab:
Running the migration
The Logs tab displays the progress and log messages:
The Select Run listbox contains one entry for one execution, so if the migration stopped or failed, and someone restarted, then a new entry will be inserted.