Silent Monitoring

Silent Monitoring


Verba Recording System provides silent monitoring capabilities seamlessly for contact center supervisors or for other administrators. Depending on the privilege settings, users can list the ongoing calls and activate the silent monitoring function, directly from the web-based user interface.

The silent monitoring feature is available as a standard built-in function, it does not require any special licenses. The advanced monitoring architectures provide a robust solution with extremely low latency during the monitoring.

Silent Monitoring Modes

Web-Based Silent Monitoring

The Verba Web Interface allows the monitoring of the voice and IM conversations once the recording is configured. For the voice monitoring, the Verba Media Codec has to be installed on the monitoring client PC, and it's only available in Internet Explorer.

The audio driver of some terminal server solutions (ex: Citrix) may interfere with the Verba Media Codec. In cases like that the recommended solution for voice monitoring is either the Cisco Central Silent Monitoring or the Verba Phone-Based Silent Monitoring.

Cisco Central Silent Monitoring

The Cisco Central Silent Monitoring relies on the RTP forking capability of the Cisco endpoints and uses the Cisco Java Telephony API (JTAPI) interface. It also provides whisper coaching functionality. Besides the Verba Web Interface, it's also available through the Verba phone service. For the list of the compatible phone devices, see: Central Cisco silent monitoring with RTP forking

For the configuration, see: Configuring Central Silent Monitoring and Whisper Coaching

Verba Phone-Based Silent Monitoring

The Verba Phone-Based Silent monitoring can be used similar way as the Cisco Central Silent Monitoring, except that it relies on the recording solution. Because of that, it's available for most of the phone systems. The only requirement is setting up a SIP connection with the Verba Recording Server.

For the configuration see: Configuring Phone-based Silent Monitoring for Skype for Business / Lync

Desktop Screen Monitoring

With the Verba Desktop Agent, it's possible to monitor the screens of the endpoints nearly real-time (1 FPS). The Agent View allows monitoring up to 25 desktop screens simultaneously with 1 frame per 5 seconds.


 Web-Based Silent MonitoringCisco Central Silent MonitoringVerba Phone-Based Silent MonitoringDesktop Screen Monitoring
Silent monitoring through the web interfaceYES  YES
Silent monitoring through phone YESYES 
PBX side configuration required YESYES 
Verba Media Codec requiredYES   
Verba Desktop Agent required   YES
Available platformsALL*CISCO ONLYALL*ALL
Recording requiredYES YES 
Available in Agent ViewYES  YES

* Except for Dial-in or analog recording.


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